Silly Hat Day: A Story in Pictures

On a cold, rainy day not too long ago, I had a brain fart of forethought, gathered all the hats from all over the house, and declared it henceforth be known as (cue trumpets)… Silly Hat Day!

In all honesty, I needed a break from playing superheroes (or coloring them, or watching them on TV). And it actually turned out to be more of a Silly Two-and-a-half Hours, but it was nonetheless a fun diversion during an otherwise dreary day.

Let the silliness commence!

I wonder if we've got enough silly to fill all these hats?


Silly Hat Day starts out a little on the grumpy side.


JJ as The Mad Hatter. He's very Method.


Be vewwy quiet, I'm hunting wabbits... with my adowableness.


With great power comes giant head.


Gettin' crafty. Love me some foam paper!


Looks good, but you gotta see to fight crime.


Better! But more "Where the Wild Things Are" than Batman. Not that he cares.


Umm, yeah. Portuguese Water Dogs do NOT need rain hats.


Yeehaw! Silly Hat Day is almost over!


Grr? Squeak? Whatever sound a muskrat makes?


Thomas the Train meets Flashdance. Or something.


What are your favorite quick-and-easy rainy day activities? We’re always looking for new ways to keep our toddler active entertained tired. Please share your ideas in the comments!

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